Friday, April 18, 2008

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

This book has been a favorite ever since I first read it as a child. The illustrations still make me laugh and the writing transports me to the fantastical city of Chewandswallow. I've heard that a movie adaption will be out sometime next year as well.

So many books from my childhood have been turned into movies -- and they've sucked. The Dragonlance trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman and The Dark is Rising series by Susan Cooper (The Seeker). I wish all authors would be as picky as J. K. Rowling when it comes to their books being adapted.

Another children's book with great illustrations is "Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing" by Judi Barrett.


Gabe said...

Maria, this is an awesome book! I wrote down the info. for it when it was being passed around. I'm going to get this. Thanks!

Mike said...

I loved that book as a kid. Is the one about pets wearing clothes as good?

Me, Myself, and I said...

It's for younger children so there is far less writing, but since the illustrations are done so well, it still gets a laugh out of you. If you found it at a book store, it wouldn't take long to flip through it.