Sunday, February 3, 2008

Is It Art or Pure Randomness? is a random generator that uses both text and images. Visually they are inspiring, but is randomness art?

Below are some examples (The titles are the words I inputed).

Silly Nilly

Wonder Ponder Asunder

a to z

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

The sheer randomness of these images make them art, though I wonder how possible it is to re-create the same one twice? If they are truly unique each time I'd be more likely to call them art. The issue it seems to be, is does a human have to create something to call it art, and further more do they have to be conscious of what they are creating. In many cases what is art is determined by the inention and presentation, not to mention the opinion of others but this can be highly based on presentation etc.

My first year in college our gallery had an exhibit titled What is Art. Many of the pieces did their best to challenge the idea of traditional art. One of my favorites was a telephone/answering machine ensemble that played someone's answering machine messages. It was a stretch to me at the time, but since I worked in the gallery, by the end of the show it had grown on me and so did a new definition of art.